Laser Material Processing

Laser Material Processing uses laser energy to modify the shape or appearance of a material. This method of material modification provides a number of advantages such as the ability to quickly change designs, produce products without the need for retooling, and improve the quality of finished products. Another advantage of laser material processing is compatibility with a multitude of materials. Compatible materials range from non-metals such as ceramics, composites, plastics/polymers and adhesives to metals, including aluminum, iron, stainless steel, and titanium.

Laser Energy - Material Interaction

The effects produced by laser energy interacting with a material strongly depend upon the wavelength and power level of the laser and the absorption characteristics and chemical composition of the material.

Common wavelengths for laser material processing are 10.6 and 9.3 micron lasers and 1.06 micron produced by fiber lasers. A range of power levels is available for each laser type to optimize the laser energy-material interaction. However, the absorption characteristics and chemical composition of the material and the desired results greatly influence the selection of the laser type and power level.

The effects of the laser energy-material interaction are material ablation and/or material modification.


laser material interaction graphic


step 3 1


Material Ablation

This physical process removes material. Material is removed completely from the top to the bottom surface or partially from the top of the material down to a specified depth. Material ablation is used for laser cutting, engraving and drilling.

Surface Material Modification

This physical process alters the properties and/or appearance of a material. Material modification is used for marking on the surface of a material by changing the appearance or properties of the material.

The terms cutting, engraving, and marking are commonly referred to as laser processes. Depending upon material compatibility, a single laser process or multiple processes in combination can be applied to a material.

Unikt for Universal Laser

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    ...gør alle fotografier egnede til laser gravering. Vælg materialet og 1-Touch Laser Photo™ vil afgøre hvilke instillinger der er optimale og vælge den ideelle power og hastighed. Derefter graveres billedet ved et tryk på en knap Se video...  Se demo video...

  • hpdfoHPDFO™

    ...optikken fokuserer laserstrålen i et meget mindre brændpunkt. Det giver et skarpere billede og en finere tolerance. Samtidig giver det mulighed for direkte mærkning af flere metaller uden brug af mærkningspasta og lignende.

  • laser-interfaceLaser Interface+™

    Verdens mest avancerede og fleksible laser driver til materialebearbejdning. Laser Interface+™ er en materialebaseret printer driver der giver dig valget mellem automatisk eller manuel kontrol over alle systeminstillinger. Kombineret med Universal Control Panel (UCP), giver det fuldstændig kontrol.

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  • superspeed SuperSpeed™

    ....sender to uafhængige laserstråler, fra hver sin Laser cartrigde, ned på emnet således at hastigheden fordobles ved raster gravering.

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  • superspeedDual Laser Configuration

    ...giver mulighed for at sammenkoble to laser cartridges til at give en enkelt laserstråle for ekstra power og fleksibilitet. PLS6.150D, PLS6.150D (med SuperSpeed™), ILS9.75 og ILS12.75 er alle klar til Dual Laser Configuration. Se video...

  • rapid-reconfigurationRapid Reconfiguration™

    Alle Laser cartrigdes er pre aligned fra fabrikken så de er klar til at montere i laseren, uden nogen form for justering og kalibrering. Se video...


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